Air Austral is the natonal carrier for the Reunion Islands. Destinations include France, Belgium, Madagascar, the Seychelles and Johannesburg.… Read More

Air Botswana flies domestic routes and has regular flights to Windhoek, Johannesburg, Harare and Cape Town.… Read More

Airlink offers mainly domestic flights within South Arica but is starting to branch out regionally as well. They offer flights to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Madagascar. Airlink has replaced Swaziland’s national airline. … Read More

540 is a low-cost airline with daily services from Nairobi to Malindi, Mombasa, Lamu, Zanzibar, Arusha and other regional destinations. A great option for independent travelers looking to get around East Africa.… Read More

Rwandair is Rwanda’s national airline and links its capital Kigali to Johannesburg, Kampala, Nairobi and Kilimanjaro.… Read More

Air Burkina flies throughout West Africa and has bi-weekly flights to Paris.… Read More

Kulula is a low-cost airline operating domestically as well as regionally. Routes include Cape Town, Durban, George, Harare and Lusaka.… Read More

Mombasa Air Safari is based on the coast, and offers daily scheduled services from Mombasa, Diani Beach and Malindi to Lamu, Tsavo. Masa Mara and Amboseli.… Read More

Air Senegal is owned by the Senegalese government and Royal Air Moroc. It has a very good network of flights throughout Western and Northern Africa. The airline also has direct flights to Portugal and several destinations in France.… Read More

TACV The national airline of Cape Verde offers weekly direct flights to Boston (US) for reasonable prices. They also fly to South America and Europe.… Read More