Air Mauritius has an extensive international network with flights to many destinations in Europe, Asia, and Australia. They also fly regionally in Southern Africa and up to Nairobi. There are special fares to the US and Canada, the route is through London or Paris.… Read More

Euroguineana Airlines operates sporadically, when it does, it flies to Douala (Cameroon), Libreville (Gabon) and Bata (Equatorial Guinea).… Read More

Sevenair is Tunisia’s domestic airline with daily flights to Djerba, Gabes, Sfax, Gafsa, Tozeur and others. They also fly to Tripoli (Libya) and Malta.… Read More

Royal Air Moroc flies to many destinations in Europe and also has a direct flight to the New York. Most of their regional flights operate in Northern and Western Africa.… Read More

The official airline site is in French. There are several domestic routes as well as flights to France, Britain, Turkey, Syria, Libya, Italy, and Morocco.… Read More